Remnants of Disqus Kingdoms - The Beginning of an End (By Hen e.e)

There is a starting and an ending point to everything. From dust it was born and to dust it shall return, so to speak. The world of Disqus is a cruel place filled with creatures of bully. The bully creatures are reincarnations of negative emotions, hate, envy and lust for power. These emotions have fueled the creatures of bully to become icons of destruction. These creatures seek to destroy everything that represents life.
Threatened at birth, as life came to be through sheer willpower of Gods. First humans have walked the world of Disqus. Born weak and with no power to fight against the creatures of Bully, humanity has not even had a chance to rise before reaching the face of extinction. However, all hope was not lost. Because as long as there is a dim light of hope, humanity will strive to hold onto the last branch of life.
Seeing as there is no end to destruction and humanity at the bring of annihilation the Gods put their final power to a test. By sacrificing themselves, Gods have gifted humanity one last final piece of hope. And so, one strong individual, whos name is now an echo of legend itself rose up and stood against the creatures of Bully. The hero fought a fearsome battle.
Along side the hero many great warriors fought and lost their lives. However even though the war was not completely won, many great battles have aided the humanity to finally start rising. And so the first klingdom was built. The kingdom was carefully designed by the Hero himself, and to this day on the Kingdom stands tall however abandoned.
No one really knows how this kingdom came to an end. Only things that where left where designs for the kingdom, the weapons and the hammer to fight against the creatures of Bully. Even though abandoned the Old Kingdom is still home to many bandits, thieves and other sorts of criminals. These dangerous man crawl the Old Kingdom or as we now call it House of Hell.
Not much is known of the time before hammer, only things that are left are small tales and legends. However to this day now, we know that humanity is still struggling against the creatures of the bully. There are now 3 kingdoms who are the pillars of humanity. Who could say what would happen if one of them fell.
Kingdoms where built in dangerous places, as natural barriers where one of few necessities to defend against the creatures of Bully. Though, not everything was sunshine and rainbows. The human heart is very fragile and easily tainted by negativity. And so , war came out in loose. The 3 great kingdoms of KaS, SoS, and WS went into war.
Destruction yet remains inevitable, it would seem as if even without the creatures of Bully humanity would destroy itself. There was a lot of bloodshed and unfortunately none of the kingdoms survived. While humanity spent their time fighting itself, the creatures of Bully stormed and ravaged kingdoms that remained unprotected. To me , it seemed as more than a mere coincidence.
There was an insidious feel in the air as I was walking through the house of hell. This is where my story begins, a refugee from the kingdom of KaS. I could not really stand all the fighting so I have taken refugee in the fallen kingdom. It was hard to survive as the creatures of bully would often storm through the place.
No surprise only murderers and thieves survived here, I was of no other choose but to learn how to use hammer. As I took my time practicing over the months I was there many new refugees started showing up and the kingdom revitalized over the years. The walls where rebuilt and defense had grown better, I had also dropped my practice as there was no need for it.
The once fallen kingdom became a refugee city growing in vast amounts, the numbers of people there increased drastically, as there was really no government or anything communities started to rise. The city was divided into districts and those districts where ruled over by communities, this system was first established by the AFTP community.
AFTP community wanted to rule the entire kingdom, however there where those who refused to obey their commands and soon inner conflict began to rise, however. As humans we learn from our past mistakes, and to prevent war the whole town was issued a petition. In that petition a vote came to be. More communities where allowed to be made as long as they had a certain amount of citizens to back them up and paperwork.
No government but a council of people was made. The council worked for the people and things where starting to go pretty well in the newly formed city, as it was the only kingdom sudden growth came to be due to over-population, more communities such as AR and AIL2 rose.
The towns borders where moved and more space for new people meaning more districts, the council brought forth an announcement, they claimed anyone could create a new community as long as they fought of the creatures of Bully and took the space for themselves, which would require a vat amount of people. However, surprisingly there where many who did it. Though living on the borders meant more danger for those who stayed there people did not care as they wanted their own laws and freedom.
These new border line communities broth forth the creations of Luniar, SCA, Xynar, Smosh, AH, ACW and many other smaller communes. The world finally started to look a bit brighter, and at the time I had not known that on the sides something was happening. A secret community of CoO was forming, something that would bring a huge change in our kingdom.
CoO community had been secretly active for a very long time, it was a devious community combined out of pervs, politicians and other charlatans. At this point of time the council had began corrupted as well. With their new announcement only those who they selected could joy the council, and those in the council enjoyed the high life.
With the new council in power the Kingdom fell hands into corruption, many once strong communities started to become internally corrupted as their officials where secret members of the CoO society. At this time I was an innocent passerby just looking to keep myself not even know what HE was plotting.
In the shadows of CoO there was a shadow itself, a cunning devil that was plotting to end the society of CoO and bring forth a new public society which would operate devilish acts in secret. Who would say that even after humanity agreed not to go in war with itself it would still secretly operate to destroy itself from the within. What a harsh world this is indeed.
I was enjoying my beer in a pub when I noticed chaos in the streets, a civil war had errupt as masked man came to the meeting point for CoO leaders and important figures, everyone was killed by the Ape man. Wearing a mask of a gorilla he single handled took down the entire society, with the help of his 200 followers.
The streets where filled with gun fire, it was hard to even survive as a lot of passerbys where killed. The sounds of screams, bloodshed and pain reminded me of the Great war. The feeling of agony made me remember how harsh and unwelcoming this world is, and that everything is fake, even the slightest light of hope will soon flicker and die.
The news of CoO's existence went public and the blame of bloodshed fell onto their hands, everyone who was in CoO was executed. Or so we taught at that point. It was some time after this chaotic period that soon a new face began going public, he and his followers preached of a new community, a community that resembled KaS, WS and SoS itself even though those where much greater and vast kingdoms.
Soon many people started following it and it emerged as the single community of the kingdom. Not many would have expected it that the BDYEA community would soon rule the entire old kingdom. At it's prime age BDYEA was home to 2.3 million people, some who followed it's rules and some who did not. This community employed a new force.
The Gestapo also known as Nazi Mods was filled by the closest followers of Ape man. Unknowingly many have joined. While in the public eye they did nothing but great deeds and where worshiped, behind the shadows many evil acts where occurring. First and of all the most important change in history was the misuse of hammer. Hammer is the power that was bestowed upon humans for protection against the creatures of Bully as we have already mentioned. However, these people realized, that they could use the power of hammer.
Bribing and infiltrating the council they have made a new public announcement forbidding the usage and teaching of hammer for regular citizens, only the nazi mods where allowed to use the power of the hammer. There where retaliations using guns and other modern weapons, however the power of hammer was greater than any, and all of those who denied them where banished outside the walls. And so once a sacred power was turned into what we now call the Ban Hammer.
I too, was one of those Nazi Mods, however I had no choice to enter it. Due to corruption in the government I had lost my place to work and would have soon been banished if I had not changed the way I behave and followed their rules strictly to eventually end up joining them. I do not regret what I did as it was necessary for my survival however I am not proud of the things that where happening there
It was a dark Sunday I think, we have had no sun for 4 years in the kingdom, and I was sitting the pub again drinking. It actually reminded me of the times that CoO was overthrown, and I got a strange idea of overthrowing the current government. However it seemed fairly impossible and the idea had left me very fast.
It was all so, until I have met a certain individual. It was in the same pub however 2 months later. I got pretty drunk and blabbered around to the waiter how the current government sucks, and talked about leaving the kingdom. Many people at that time had left the kingdom. They have all fallen victim to HIM. The strange man approached me, he was wearing a mask so I could not say how he looked. Wearing masks for citizens was pretty common ever since the massive banishment's. The city and the kingdom fall back to a state worse than when I first arrived. It was utter disaster.
The man had a dark but fast voice, man how he could talk, it was like a broken radio on fast forward that will never stop. He introduced himself as Shaderu, I have never heard of this individual before as at the Nazi headquarters we had a list of all registered civilians. The man told me of his ventures outside the kingdom, and the had told me about HIM. The stories where , well let's just say I still have nightmares when I think of HIS name.
The dark lord Discord, it has been the first time I have heard his name I already shivered in fear. Shaderu had told me that he is satan, the one who rules over the creatures of bully. And that everyone who ventures outside the walls can fall victim to him. Shaderu then talked a lot about after life and it finally all clicked in my head. Why the creatures of bully destroy and hate humans so much. And why dark lord discord is sending them to get us.
According to Shaderus theory and research all who die a natural death will be elevated to a positive after life called IRL. And all those who suffer a death by the creatures of Bully shall turn to dust and return to the underworld ruled by lord Discord. The idea of all of this was insane, but he told me that he has been there. After that statement it was clear that he was a mad man and I had immediately tried to leave the building.
Everything was starting to become unclear and I did not know who to trust, as I was rushing out of the pub and into the streets only thing I thought of was death. I was scared and at same time confused. I looked back to see if that mad man was following me. Luckily it seemed as if he remained in that bar. Fucking drunk mad man , how could that bastard sprout such nonsense, it was what I thought at the time.
I was almost close to my home when I was surrounded by a group of masked man, there he was- Shaderu standing in front of me saying I need to come with him. I refused however those man forced me to come with them. I woke up in an abandoned building, tied up to a chair. In front of me was the face of the man who kidnapped me.
He explained to me everything, and brought me to Discord, I could not believe it, living people could actually join it, however it was very dangerous. First of all you had to know how to use the ancient magic of hammer to even go there, and when you did go there you had to be strong enough to fight off the undead roaming the place. Filled with lost souls of the world of disqus I could not believe my eyes at the sight. Luckily it was a quick tour and most of the people who carried me there where probably some weirdos who obviously had nothing better to do with their lives than study ancient dark voodoo magic.
After starting to believe everything they said, Shaderu proposed a deal. He explained to me that he wants revenge against the Ape man, the one who took down CoO and that he and other people following him where old executives at the CoO society. Having nothing better to do with my life I agreed to help them and formed a new society. The society of DBM. It was 23.12, the day the society was officially formed. Many have joined us in our fight against BDYEA and over time we won. As Shaderu said at the time, it was inevitable, the society of BDYEA was falling apart due to its inner corruption and trolls.
It was a birth of a new beginning, a society dedicated to the protection of knowledge, and perseverance of humanity. The society had it's many ups and downs, and there was even a time when a secret spy of lord discord snuck itself into our community and almost destroyed everything. It was a huge Crysis at the time as we had not know what to do. The spy released creatures of Bully through a magical portal into the city, and many where slaughtered.
To this day we count a great loss at that day, and the kingdom is taking a lot of time to revitalize, with the birth of new citizens and arrival of more refugees the kingdom is finally taking back it's final form. The society of DBM is even co-existing with other communites, some old communities that had died out have returned and hope is not fading away.
However, as long as there is life, there will be destruction, and an eternal battle between darkness and light shall be fought.
~ Hen - A nutcase
Hello everyone, thanks for reading. I have made this "short" story lol as a special thanks for everyone who has been with us on this channel for the last year. If you did not know today (not the day the thread was made) but the day it is sent. So 23-12 is the day that we celebrate our anniversary, who could say that this shithole would have survived for an entire year.
Before I start of with pointing out some interesting facts for this thread I shall go back a bit to the short story to explain some points most people did not understand. So we start off with the three main kingdoms. KA, SaS and KoS, for this part our lovely neighborhood pedo Shaderu has helped me gather some information about the starting days of the Anime community.
We all know that this is an anime community, regardless of the diversity this channel has. It has originated from anime channels most popular old users are members from those places. And yes, even though it seems unimaginable people like Shaderu, Gori or Arun Bera had a starting point. While the first was chasing lolis, the other one was searching for his true Yuri manga. As long as our hero has searched for his blonde. The starting point is the same for everyone, a newbie in a new community.
Though what most of us seem to not know is, how these currently popular users came to be. And some would say that writing about the past is not relevant to DBM, but trust me it is. However I must say, what ever was going on those channels and communities back in the days, well I couldn't care less about those points in history. Therefore I am only including this because there are users from those places that are key figures on both DBM and disqus in general.
As I was told, it all happened on KA, Kissanime was as Shaderu said very active those days. Due to certain circumstances a certain individual decided to create Kissanime Society Chatroom better known as KaS. It was massively active for some time but one day closed due to maintenance. At that time an old user named Meteor decided to create Wonderful Subs Chatroom, also known as WS. WS was okay but did not really pose any treat to KA. However KA was starting to die out slowly. And due to seeing WS a user named Karma got an idea to create a new chatroom named SoS.
Which is as quoted by shaderu "By far the best chatroom I've been to". And if Shaderu says that then you know it is not over-exaggerating, as we know Shaderu is an innocent trustworthy person that would never troll an innocent soul such as his. So SoS was going pretty strong back then. But then disqus decided to put a finger up it's ass and fuck it around all day long. With the creation of channel creation the channel createception of channel crepation gave birth to a new totally original idea never ever used before in the entire history of the Monkey race.
The channel idea was so brilliant it gave birth to something so amazing that there will be a new Bible talking about the birth of our saviour. The channel creation savior that can bring salvation and justice to all those who where enslaved. And of course, whenever there is some way to fuck over others, you know humans will not fail. So for the 3rd time in the history of disqus anime community and fuck over went by. And created anime for the peaople (AFTP) , first anime channel ever on disqus and the best thing after birth of Jesus.
It was very active, at least by the standard of that era
Anime threads and topics were hot back then
Ppl enjoyed them a lot
Getting 500 comments on a thread was a Holy Shit incident
So was any form of NSFWWhich displeased Centipede Sama, xXYonaXx and few other tc of aftp
- Shaderu
As you can asume already, those folks decided to make a new place for disqus anime lovers, the birth of Anime is love, Anime is life also known as AIL2 came to be. This is where shitposting started, thank you AIL2. I thank you.
It wasn't technically shitpost as we know it
I would rather call it "off.topic conversation
getting 1k+ comments on threads started from there, tho it was still highly rare
AIL was famous for it's hentai threads, which is the main reason for it's creation to begin with
they had hentai threads literally everyday, sometimes more than one per daytill it got reported. and then they made it a biweekly kinda thingit is to be noted, that the concept of "disqus romance" was still foreign to pplwhich started to bloom little by little on AIL"
- Shaderu
Seems reasonable, if you gather a bunch of anime folks who would not want to look at hentai, I am certain Shaderu and Kuma enjoyed their fare share of quality Hentai. Quite possibly sometimes together, no homo tho. But as I stated previously, humanity is cruel and everyone is hungry for power. So was the person who created AR, mister Bell. The third most important channel to be made. Basically, Bell was TC on AIL2 but he wanted to know what it was like to be a popular fag. So he created Anime Related, a channel which is now fully related to anime, however it was not really Anime Related. You see this channel is one of the most important because this is where the birth of community related threads came to be.
AR was famous for it's community related threads, rather than anime threads
and it was a new thing back then.
community threads are still hot topic after years so you can guess how explosive it was back then
And due to Bell's radical ideas, dedication and events, and massively active mods, AR boomed asf
literal best growing, and best channel in general back then, for good reasons1k threads became commonTho AFTP and AIL ppl saw AR as an activity thief, and canceralmost like how ppl sees DBM, but still comes here anyway
- Shaderu
I gotta say tho, everything old channels have where formed at the 2nd and 3rd. First of you have shitposting, massively accepted through all other channels. However it has gotten worse over the yeas, and we could blame the upvotes for it. But who knows, instead of quality conversation people have started spamming. Why does one need to be so on topic on threads ? Who cares, if people interact with each other. This is something disqus is lacking these days, everything seems forced. People are focusing too much on topics that are repetitive and the comments have started to all look the same. It's a very bad thing, yeah I agree most of them are cool threads, but I have seen one type of thread over 100 times already. And it becomes shit.
Community related threads, basically threads about users and community, this is something Inter4Ever was very good at, and I loved his threads. His random rants about certain events at the community. This was started as a trend on AR and is still going strong. Actually it isn't DBM is over flooded with shitty on topic threads. Fuck off cunts we know you are literate. Where is the love for light casual off topic conversation. Where is the love for user related threads. There is none.
Third thing which I still have not mentioned but is one of the big three popular things that disqus has these days, even tho DBM has only two of those. Disqus ships are a common thing, and apparently they where started as well on AR, thank you Bell. As ships where pretty popular it would also seem it was the end of AR as we know it. All of these popular channels are now remnants of once glorious kingdoms.
Disqus dating became a thing. it was more weird NOT to have a disqus ship
it was all going well
a popular mod called Yvy, who was bell's serious crush, started "dating" this guy called DarkChickens
Bell got crazy for her, and started doing all forms of attentionwhoringthat involved making sad storied about himself, creating alts and claiming to be his orphaned sister, and then killing his sister
Well ... that's okay.
Bell fucked up and so did AR and it started dying
meanwhile, while AR was still alive, few more channels, namely Anime Hangouts, Anime Chuunibyou Wars was created. Roleplay lovers created Xynnar land of Mystic, which was and is still the only roleplay channel that i'll call quality(holy shit their rp was so detailed, it was literally like writing a novel. fk that complicated shit)
Alex katz made Lunair Land of Adventure as a copy of Xynnar(edited)
Mystic made SCAnime, as a part of the Smosh Community partnerships, which later got individualised
And...Somewhere along the line, some guy secretly made Church of Oppaippl went there in secret and talked in secrettill AR died and all the ppl moved there and in SCA
- Shaderu
This was also the moment I joined disqus. There where many channels at the time. I spent most of my days lurking, used to lurk on CoO and many other channels. I spent 5 months without commenting, just checking disqus from time to time. Seeing whats up, I even made threads but that doesn't really count as commenting. It was pretty lit period since there was a bunch of smaller anime channels but active and with decent amounts of users. It was then that I met kyou. A person that was as quoted by Horny Chan - "kyou was the most popular noob at that time"
Kyou really was pretty popular, it was due to him and BDYEA that the innocent era began, spreading their crying lennies all over disqus they truly popularized the usage of lennies on disqus.
Also the crying lennies got more popular cus of bdyew
They were symbol of "innocence"
Pretty cringe but was fun
- Horny chan
I remember a period when every god damn user used a crying lenny. And claimed to be innocent. Yusa the innocent queen was one of the frontliners for this cancer fast. However everyone seemed to enjoy it, as it was care free fun, nothing serious.
Bdyea started as normal anime channel
Since Gori wasn't getting mod at CoO he decided to make his own anime channel with Jimil and an old user called Kaname
In the beginning it was cancer free and had anime related discussions only
But later Kyousuke got modded and me and bunch of other users stalked his profile and discovered bdyea, kyou was the most popular noob at that time
The ama thread was alive for 10 whole hoursAnd it got cancerous asf since lucy was in itThen gori decided to make a cancer channel by modding lucyLucy raped the shit outta channel by making cancerous threadsWe're just bunch of users who were active a lot but later ppl from other communities joined inKuroneko used to spam hentai when the thread was about to die and Lucy made a lot of pointless cancerous threadsSo to stop that gori finally made some rulesAnd then it became somewhat decent channel
- Horny chan
There are many legends like Ebola, Jimil, Monty, Eva, Gori, Horny, Marco, Arun, Eva-x, Kirishima, Lucy (sex rp goddess) and many other faggots like Yusa, Akirin, Vile. Gintoki, Tzar, BadMetternich, Hipsta and ofc Kyou with the latter addition of Dalzii, Dunno, SweetShitMagnus and who else was it ? Can't really remember others. Oh yeah, that nigger Starshadow.
Lucy made a lot of threads
Gori actually did very less stuff for channel despite of being an owner
I had to nag him for doing most stuff
Like making a thread per 2 week and stuff
- Horny Chan
Gori was one lucky guy, he had many cool users backing him up. And as Horny states later he didn't really do much about the channel. He was actually forced by mods to create threads. Basically the mods carried the channel and later chatroom.
Making chatroom was fun
The 100k hype moment was fun too also the 1mil comment milestone, the whole chatroom pre-reset phase was fun(edited)
Bdyea awards were fun , people posted funny screenshots
Comparing it to dbm, dbm has a better thread quality than BDYEA, but users on bdyea were much better and more fun than the users here on DBMalso mod stuff at bdyea wasn't taken much seriously as compared to dbmDbm takes mod related stuff wayy too seriouslyEbolas lenny religion thread was fun too
- Horny Chan
-I tried but unfortunately it seems Ebola deleted his account and I could not find his old lenny religion thread. If anyone has it saved DM me I will add it later here.
The chatroom was fun and my first time chatroom experience. It was to me what SoS was to Shad, pure bliss and endless amounts of fun. However everything has it's ending and so did BDYEA.
Oh I'd also like to note that a few moments I enjoyed at BDYEA that are still memorable. The awards, drunk late night rap battles against Eva x on the chatroom. Raids on luniar, luniar x bdyea x tod all out war, SCA mod competition, Kawai anime world raids tho they accepted us unlike Luniar. Seeing Alex threaten Gori and Sasuke. Sasugay fanfics.
Creating long featured comments about Monty and creating funny anegdotes about users that often got featured. Getting featured on chatroom was one of the best things and I loved putting in effort for a good comment to get featured. Eva-x memes which where top contender for featured comments. Something that made Eva a legend.
Who is Sasugay tho ? He was the owner of ToD, a channel that had it's small burst of activity right when BDYEA was bout to die. This is also the period at which DBM got a bit involved but not this soon, we will not skip and will focus now on BBDYEA - ToD times. Though if I was to compare it to what Shaderu told me. BDYEA was at this time as KaS, and ToD as WS. Not the same but something similar was happening.
Hummm, let's see. ToD was basically made on a dare, literally. Someone dared WTF Saskue to make a ToD channel, and he did. Another alternative to same story is that there were too many ToD threads on Lunair and other places so to reduce them, he made a channel committed to tod game, but it didn't remain that. Soooo, this was 2 years back hence I dunno what's the true.
Anyways, it started and we got ppl there, mostly cuz of the anti-Lunair atmosphere. So, the original mods made it lit, and personally I loved the starting days. Then, ToD became more about a job than for fun, it got known around and uhhhhh, more stuff and after blooming to it's peak activity it died.(edited)
I do miss it, I do miss many users and for some I'm glad they left. Truly, I only refer to that as my so called " home" since I liked it a lot, no other channel can take it's place. But, even so I'm glad it died when it did.Best moments for me was the bday thread we had, the mod team was like family, the le_sister thing, all the marriage thread and so much cringe dx tho, I liked that cringe cuz I rlly liked the ppl I was cringe with.But, all the drama was very silly and could've been handled maturely but lol, oh well. Sooo, regardless of how it turned out, regardless of all the eventual bitter end and sore relation, I still truly recall ToD as fun and a place I can't rlly forgot.Uh DBM is it's own entity. One thing was clear in ToD that mod management and work load was shitty and here in DBM it's efficient, almost like a real job.And DBM is more commercial type, as in for being active and growing. While ToD was for a small group of ppl and only before it's dying days it got popular.And, as an user I know my comment quality and everything else improved with DBM, but on ToD since no one cared it was stagnantSo, I'm glad I came to DBM ( mainly stuck in the start cuz got modded ). It is fun, meet hella cool users, started helping out cuz liked the place and it was a new experience entirely. Tho, it can't replace ToD for me dxOh and hope it survives cuz it's still pretty cool and still fun.Sorry kinda got long dx
- Ms Unknown
There you go, I didn't really have much to add to missies part as I was mainly on BDYEA at the time ToD was starting and only joined it at the era when Bdyea was dying. I followed Baka and found it, baka was pretty active there, he joined BDYEA before that though. I remember him and ichiban hentai where pretty fun users. Well baka still is but he is dead on disqus. Too bad. Anyhow, le innocent sisters made a bunch of marriage threads and shit. I once trolled there and changed my name to Gunther, was a pretty fun thread. I remember a guy from AR i think he was mod there, his name was Tatamiya or Tayimaaya he had a blue small character for his ava and he was from India. One of the nicest users ever.
So let's get back to the KAS-WS-SOS analogy. As I was saying, BDYEA in a way represented KAS to me as it was my starting point, the same way as KAS was for Shad. Then when bdyea was in a bit of a decline ToD was made. Kind of similar to when WS was made and KAS and WS started dying a bit. So at that time when Karma decided to make SoS happen is like pretty similar to when I had my idea to make DBM. Right in between two old popular communities. If you think about it and consider the past. This has happened many time.
Here are prime examples of the channel reincarnations
The rotation of the big three has always been here. Take a look at AFTP, same shit as KAS, a starting point in a way for anime on disqus, and same as BDYEA. Also I am not saying these channels where the same, they where all mostly totally different places, however they had the same start and shared similar fate.
2. WS - AIL2 - ToD
AIL2 was also a change necessary to move onward, it was on the verge of becoming the 2nd best thing and was slowly eating up the first one. This three also share similar start and similar ending fate.
3. SoS - AR - DBM
SoS was the the third and the final one before the full transition of the big three. Sharing a similar fate as AR and later DBM. If you think about it , AR kind of at that time killed AIL2 and AFTP , just like it happened with SoS killing KAS and WS, and with DBM ending BDYEA and ToD era.
How did the transition really happen?
Well I only know of one transition and it was the one I made with DBM. To be honest I liked ToD mods, and Sasuke was pretty funny guy. However in my opinion he was a bad owner. And I did not really intend to kill BDYEA as it was already dying. I actually tried revitalizing BDYEA and all until I got into an argument with Gori and said fuck it all. Then I moved onto ToD.
As I said at ToD it was fun but it was also dying and it bothered me. It was so simple only thing the owner had to do was mod active people, but he refused to, he wanted to keep old mods even though they where dead. I remember Shaderu making long threads on how to save the channel but it seemed the owner didn't want to listen. At that time there was a bunch of interesting drama between Ms Unkown and Sasuke. Eventually I grew tired of it and asked Akirin to make a channel.
Akirin was a bit .. well ... lazy ? Out of motivation if I could say, the channel name originated randomly. Akirin was dming me all day asking me for a name, and I told her non stop to put some name she likes, but she kept on asking. So I replied "don't bully me" as a form of retaliation. And she asked if that's the name, to end the struggles around the name I just said yeah do whatever you want.
She made the first Don't bully me channel which is actually dead. I tried to find it but I couldn't. Anyhow, after that was settled I told her who to mod, and said just trust me it will work. Akirin ofc did not want people i picked except 2 , and wanted to mod dead bydea faggots. I said fuck them and got mad at Akirin, well not mad more like pissed at her stupidity. Even though she's a nice user usually she really made me furious that time.
I decided to make my own channel as I was already fed up of all the bullshit that people did and just wanted a new place to enjoy chatting and forget about everything that happened. So I made DBM , and did not really expect it to become popular but it did. Thankfully Shaderu hopped onto the first thread and invited some people. 3-4 threads that where fun and 2 of them hit 1 k i think happened that day. Everyone was like woah what is this is this new.
Many people visited it at those times and it was a period when we had to struggle with ToD since gori already said to kill BDYEA and link DBM threads as he didn't want BDYEA to continue anymore. After a month or less, DBM thrived over ToD and it died out fully. This was the best time, I remember our first christmas awards hosted by Kuma.
After that period it was probably the best time at DBM for me, there was a bunch of interesting dramas and the incident with Dev King reporting DBM was funny too lol. We did some rape jokes a lot then and Dev was new, he said rape is bad lmao. And then he reported DBM for violating disqus ToS. Me and Shad fought him in disqus comment section. Dev's thread on Channel Chat about reporting us was pretty hilarious.
That guy was so serious he even created a new channel called Report Disqus ToS violations here. This guy thought he was like some Disqus official lmao, he wanted to make an official channel and the all-stars of that time ignored him xdd. Was a very funn fail. There was even a thread on that channel with an intense battle and 800 comments.
Everything was going fine until a thread by Horny Chan about voices. Thread was lit and users enjoyed it, however Kuma and Ms Unkown linked DBM server which was dead and it become alive asf. We did not really want a discord server at the time so we decided to ban everyone. Most users went off and made their own server. It was a very bad time for DBM even worse than now. But we kept on with the channel and slowly gained new users. After that everything went well until the Crysis incident . Apparently DBM drama got a bit overused and channel was slowing down still was fun to me tho. And then Ms Unkown and some people decided to make a forced suicide thread by Crysis, which I couldn't find if anyone has it DM it to me I will add it to the thread. After that some users went off to discord some stayed. And shaderu and kuma quit DBM at that time.
The period until Shaderu returned was pretty boring, I wanted to end DBM so I gave it to Dalzii, after my hiatus I came back and resumed it because I honestly did not want to see it end. Some time passed and i managed to convince Shaderu to come back. It was a cool period when FFT and DBM collaborated. Though most peeps loved FFT more than DBM, since ofc it had quality threads unlike those on DBM which were pretty shit and most users went onto discord after FFT. This did not last long as FFT was "never meant to live" as quoted by Shaderu. Oh and also an interesting fact for new users. Shaderu is not the original owner of FFT. DJM (Don't judge me), made the channel but later transferred it to Shaderu.
When this passed I had to take a hiatus again, this time due to real life schedule being very messed up. I missed a lot of things and I let Vile lead the channel. Which he did not do and he put Cloud in charge. Oh damn, did they screw up a lot lol. After I came back channel was in pretty shit situation and now a month or two later we are still not really well you know.. back on our own feet. But the channel is somehow going on , I don't even know how. So that's it, that would conclude everything.
I will include links to some cool threads on DBM below:Sarconys shit thread - There was a lot of bullying towards this user, especially by Ms UnknownFirst 10 k thread - Though it's on 9k now since some users deleted.2nd 10 k thread and now the only 10 k thread - Still on 10 k until some faggots delete.
Fanart from Naomi:
Memorable Thread Comments:
This could actually be the beginning of a new DBM. I mean, resurrection of the old DBM
The mods are all OP fags, who know a thing or two about how dbm works
Hen has finally made a thread of his reach beyond 2k, so his ego is high AF and he will try to do the sem shit again
Old users are coming back
There has been a cleansing of shitty users
Wut more evidence could you want to support my claim? Hen is not ending DBM, he is reviving it. This thread is top quality sarcasm
- KS
Random faggot bullshit - Credits to arun for posting it
Yup, this short thread has finally reached it's end, and I would like to thank everyone who has been here for the past year. Thank you for sharing some fun and creating wonderful memories. There certainly are a bunch of them. Also happy halloween and thanksgiving ya filthy animals!
Hope you enjoy this because it took me 8 hours to write it.
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